This horse is one horn short of unicorn status!
Trainer Paige is working four year-old green horse, Coco, on jumps.
Four year-old Paisley getting some instructions from her trainer, Paige.
Katelyn and her horse, Spirit.
Kristen has been riding since she was just three years old. I enjoyed watching her with her horse.
Holly bringing Zippy in for her lesson.
Six year-old Danica during her lesson with her trainer, Ericka.
Nine year-old Hannah on my favorite horse of the day. I think his name is Dream, but I'm a sucker for an Appaloosa. Holly in the background on Zippy.
A five month-old colt, sadly, I didn't get his name.
A real deal Mustang. The stables received him from a stable in Georgia. The tattoo along his neck indicates when and where he was captured.
And who doesn't love a smiling goat?!
Anyone interested in any of these photos please feel free to contact me at Once I choose the photos to submit to Horse Illustrated I will be publishing the rest of the photos at for purchase.